3 Questions to Ask Yourself before Getting Liposuction
(Updated for 2020)
If you’re bothered by excess fat that doesn’t seem to respond to either diet or exercise, you may be a candidate for liposuction. Liposuction has helped many men and women throughout New Mexico and beyond redefine their body contours and achieve their goal figures.
Before considering liposuction, though, there are three questions you should be sure to ask yourself.
Am I At/Near My Target Weight?
The best candidates for liposuction are those who are within 30 percent of their target weight. While there is no “ideal” weight for lipo, it’s important to realize that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. Instead, lipo is best for those who have a few problem spots but otherwise enjoy a BMI in the normal range.
Do I Have Loose Skin?
Liposuction addresses excess pockets of fat, but it can not address loose skin.
If you’ve already had weight loss surgery or have lost a significant amount of weight through diet and exercise, you may have noticed that you have loose skin. If this is a concern for you, then liposuction isn’t likely to give you the best results, as lipo can only remove fat and won’t help with excess skin.
Instead, you may need to ask your plastic surgeon about body contouring procedures, like a tummy tuck, that can be performed in addition to or instead of liposuction.
Have I Already Established Healthy Habits?
If you’ve already developed healthy habits with regards to staying active and eating right, you’re likely a good candidate for liposuction. Again, lipo is not for weight loss, so it’s important to know how to maintain your existing weight before scheduling an appointment for cosmetic surgery. Having healthy habits already in place can also mean enjoying your slim new look for a long time to come.
Liposuction can provide excellent results for the right candidates. If you’re considering having liposuction ask yourself these questions and contact us online or call our Las Cruces office today at 575-521-7111 to learn more about your options.
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