3 Questions You Really Want to Ask about Breast Augmentation & Nipples
One of the most common questions that women ask before getting breast enhancement is, “Does breast augmentation change your nippl es?” Take a look at the answer to these FAQs to give you a better idea of how your breast procedure may or may not affect your nipples.
1. Does Breast Augmentation Change the Shape of Your Areolas?
No, breast augmentation shouldn’t necessarily change the shape or size of your areolas, unless you’d like it to. You could add a breast lift to your procedure to address symmetry or other concerns you might have about the appearance of your areolas. But if you plan on breastfeeding in the future, you might want to hold off on this until after you’ve completed your family.
2. Can Breast Augmentation Fix Inverted Nipples?
Yes, inverted nipples can typically be corrected through breast augmentation. Just be sure to discuss this with your plastic surgeon during your consultation so that he or she can create an appropriate surgical plan to meet your goals.
3. Will I Lose Nipple Sensation after Breast Augmentation?
Inverted nipples are largely genetic, although they can also be caused by injury or trauma.
In some cases, you may feel a temporary loss of nipple sensation after your breast augmentation. For most women, this sensation typically returns over time.
The type of incision that you choose can play a part in determining your risk of losing nipple sensation. The inframammary incision, for instance, usually has a lower incidence than the periareolar incision.
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