3 Reasons Women May Choose Silicone over Saline
(Updated for 2020)
The debate between silicone vs. saline implants for breast augmentation is one that never fails to inspire passionate proponents of both. However, one choice takes the market today as the majority of breast augmentation patients opt for silicone implants over their saline counterparts.
So, are silicone implants better? Here’s a closer look at three of the most common reasons women may choose silicone over saline.
1. More Natural Look
Unlike saline implants, silicone implants are less likely to create a rippling appearance in the breast.
When discussing silicone vs. saline implants, one of the most common concerns regarding saline implants is the chance of rippling. Rippling occurs when the implant is too close to the skin and becomes visible. Alternatively, silicone implants have little to no chance of rippling because of the silicone gel they are filled with, a denser substance that is less prone to developing irregular texture.
2. More Natural Feel
In addition to the more natural appearance of silicone implants, many women feel that the silicone gel provides a more natural feel as well. The silicone gel was deliberately designed to mimic the texture of natural breast tissue as closely as possible. Saline implants, on the other hand, don’t feel as natural and, therefore, can be challenging options for patients with very little existing breast tissue to cover the implant.
3. Implants Won’t Deflate
While no implant is entirely risk-free, if saline implants rupture, the saline solution inside will leak into the body. Although the saline solution is completely harmless, this does mean the implant will noticeably deflate, requiring revision surgery. Because silicone gel is a more cohesive substance, silicone implants won’t deflate if ruptured and will continue to hold their original form.
However, keep in mind that while a ruptured silicone implant may not be immediately noticeable, it still requires medical attention and surgical revision.
To learn more about your breast implant options, contact us online or call our Las Cruces office today at 575-521-7111.
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