Breast Rejuvenation Options after Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Pregnancy and breastfeeding can greatly change how your breasts look and feel. It is common to experience sagging, drooping, changes in size, an uneven appearance, and even breast “deflation” as your body recovers and hormones return to normal. These changes leave many women looking to restore their pre-pregnancy curves with breast rejuvenation, such as breast augmentation, breast lifts, or even breast reduction.
Which breast rejuvenation procedure is best for you depends on the breast changes you experienced and your ultimate goals and how you want to look after surgery. Take a look at these top enhancement surgery procedures.
Breast Augmentation
While pregnancy and breastfeeding likely created a boost in breast volume and fullness, once you stop breastfeeding and your hormones return to normal, you may find your newly acquired large bust appears deflated and, in some cases, smaller in size than before you were pregnant. If this is the case, breast augmentation and breast implants can help you regain the lost volume and give you back the perky pre-pregnancy breasts you are missing.
Breast Lift
With an increase in breast size during pregnancy, as well as the rigors of breastfeeding, your breasts may experience significant sagging and drooping. If you are happy with your current breast volume but would like to bring your breasts back up to a more perky appearance, a breast lift may be the best breast rejuvenation procedure for you. This procedure allows the surgeon to lift, reshape, and contour your natural breast tissue while also addressing the position of your nipple and areola to give you a more youthful, pre-pregnancy appearance.
Breast Reduction
In some instances, the dramatic increase in breast volume that occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding doesn’t return to normal, leaving you with much larger breasts. While some women appreciate this boost in breast volume, it doesn’t always fit your body frame or lifestyle. In this case, a breast reduction removes fat, breast tissue, and skin from the breasts and allows the surgeon to reshape and lift your breasts to a smaller, perky appearance that better matches your body shape and pre-pregnancy appearance.
If you are unhappy with your breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding, Dr. Scot Martin and his team are here to answer all your questions and help determine which breast rejuvenation procedure will help you reach your goals. Call our office today at 575-521-7111 to schedule your consultation.
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