How Should You Prepare for Your Breast Augmentation Recovery?
You are excited about your breast augmentation procedure and your new breasts but taking the time to plan for your recovery can make the big day much easier and help your recovery go much smoother.
These breast augmentation recovery tips offer some simple things to do before you go in for your procedure, as well as some tips to help make you avoid some common roadblocks during recovery. Following these breast augmentation healing tips will help make your recovery more manageable and get your back to your normal routine quickly.
Plan for Help Ahead of Time
As you schedule your breast augmentation procedure, plan to schedule some help as well. This can be someone to pick you up and bring you home after the procedure and stay with you for the first few hours to someone that can help around the home during recovery. This can be especially beneficial if you have children or pets at home that need to be cared for as you recover.
Create a Recovery Station
It is common for you to feel tired and sore after your breast augmentation procedure and rest is essential. Creating a recovery station at home where you have everything you need in one place can make recovery much easier. Consider picking up medications you will need before your procedure and have these ready and easily accessible from your recovery area. Make sure you have easy access to things like the television remote, books, or other items that will allow you to relax and rest during recovery.
Prepare Meals in Advance and Don’t Forget Fiber!
Eating healthy meals is an essential part of your recovery, but meal preparation can take a toll on you when recovering. Consider making healthy meals in advance so they are ready for you to heat and eat without much work.
Prepare for Sleep Changes
After your breast augmentation procedure, it is essential that you sleep on your back as much as possible. In addition, sleeping at a slight incline can also help. If you are unable to adjust your bed with additional pillows or a wedge, you might consider sleeping in a recliner for the first few days. Good quality sleep is essential for healing, so in addition to these furniture changes, also consider reducing your intake of caffeine, sugar, and even screen time before bed in order to help your sleep.
If you have breast augmentation questions or want to learn more about what to expect during your recovery, contact Dr. Scot Martin online or call the office today at 575-521-7111 to schedule a consultation.
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