Mommy Makeover: How Many Procedures Are Too Much?
Becoming a mother is a beautiful experience. But pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to extreme changes in the body and the contours you were used to. While losing the baby weight is often a good start, many women long for their pre-pregnancy curves and no amount of diet or exercise seems to work. While a tummy tuck or liposuction may be enough to help you reach your goals, changes in the body may require more than just one simple procedure. In this case, a mommy makeover is your likely option. But what is a mommy makeover, and can you really get everything done at one time?
What Is a Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover is a custom surgical procedure that combines a unique set of procedures in order to help you reach your goals. Common procedures include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast lifts, and liposuction. But a mommy makeover is not limited to just those procedures and can also include butt lifts, arm lifts, and vaginal rejuvenation. A mommy makeover is designed to combine these different procedures into one, reducing your cost and recovery time while helping you reach your body contouring goals.
How Many Procedures Are Right for You?
While you may be tempted to add everything to your mommy makeover, that isn’t always possible. While it is safe and effective to combine some procedures, there are things to consider. During a mommy makeover consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your medical history and your overall mommy makeover goals and recommend the procedures that will help you achieve them.
In many cases, they can be combined in one procedure, reducing your overall cost and recovery time. However, keep in mind that combined procedures may reduce the duration of your recovery, multiple surgical incisions can contribute to a more uncomfortable recovery. If you have existing medical concerns or are wanting more procedures than your surgeon believes is safe, they will recommend multiple procedures.
If you are considering a mommy makeover and want to learn what procedures are best for you, Dr. Scot Martin is here to ans wer your questions and develop a personalized mommy makeover just for you. Call 575-521-7111 to schedule a consultation.
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