Should You Massage Implants after Breast Augmentation?
Updated September 2018
One frequently asked question about breast augmentation recovery is whether or not breast implant massage can help them to drop into place faster and more smoothly. To help you understand why your plastic surgeon might recommend breast implant massage and how to do it properly, take a look at this quick guide.
What’s the Point of Breast Implant Massage?
Breast implant massage or movement exercises could serve several different functions, including helping to reduce swelling, reduce the risk of capsular contracture and to improve muscle and skin tightness.
However, not every plastic surgeon will recommend implant massages to every woman who has a breast augmentation. For example, smooth implants, whether saline or silicone, may benefit from movement, whereas textured or shaped implants might not.
How to Massage Implants
Your plastic surgeon might suggest massaging your breast implants up to three times per day.
If your plastic surgeon has advised that you perform breast implant massages to help them drop and feel more comfortable, you’ll want to use a specific technique to avoid causing any complications. Start by gently pushing on your implants from your lower pole to move them up, then gently push them down and to each side.
The Bottom Line
Since every plastic surgeon has a slightly different protocol, it’s best to ask about his or her specific guidelines for implant massage after your breast enhancement. If your plastic surgeon suggests one technique over another, feel free to ask for a little more information as to why those guidelines are in place.
At the end of the day, you want to follow your plastic surgeon’s individualized guidelines for recovery after breast augmentation as closely as you can.
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