Silicone Breast Implant Styles: Is There Really a Difference?
Scot A. Martin, M.D.
When you’re contemplating breast augmentation , it’s easy to assume that your surgical consultation will revolve solely around choosing the size of your breasts. While size and implant volume are indeed significant aspects of the discussion, the world of breast implants has evolved far beyond the days of simple saline and standard round implants.
Nowadays, silicone implants reign supreme due to their versatility—they come in various densities, shapes, and textures, making them a favorite among both patients and surgeons. If breast implants are on your radar, understanding the distinct options available with saline implants can significantly impact your final results. So, let’s take a closer look at the various styles of saline breast implants and what sets them apart.
Silicone vs. Saline
While saline implants are the favorite of most patients and surgeons, it is important to understand the difference between saline and silicone implants and what they mean. To begin, both implants are technically made with silicone as the shell of the implant. Saline implants are put into place empty and then filled to the desired volume with a saline solution. Silicone implants are pre-filled and put into place in their final volume. They can be filled with liquid silicone or the more modern fill of a silicone cohesive gel, creating what is known as ‘gummy bear’ implants.
What Does Gummy Bear Mean?
Silicone gummy bear implants, also known as cohesive silicone gel breast implants or form-stable breast implants, differ from traditional silicone implants in the fact that they use a highly cohesive gel, similar to that of a gummy bear, that holds shape and offers a more natural feel when placed. In many cases, these implants offer a tear-drop shape that mimics the natural appearance of the breast, helping to create a more natural look after breast augmentation. Gummy bear implants can vary in texture based on the cohesive gel used, so you may hear terms such as responsive, SoftTouch, or cohesive to describe the thickness rating.
Round or Tear-Drop
The shape you choose can also make a difference when it comes to silicone breast implants. Round implants are the most commonly used and provide the same shape all over, ensuring a similar look even if the implant rotates as it settles. Round implants often provide a fuller appearance and are ideal for those looking for a greater breast projection. Shaped implants, such as teardrop implants, help create specific profile changes. In the case of teardrops, you achieve a narrower contour in the upper breast while creating more fullness below the nipple.
Smooth or Textured?
Breast implants come in two different textures. Smooth implants have a softer silicone shell and are slippery in feel. This smooth surface makes it more difficult for scar tissue to attach to the implant, allowing it to freely move around. In contrast, textured implants allow for adhesion to scar tissue, helping to hold the implant in place.
As you can see, there is a lot more to consider when choosing the right implants for your breast augmentation. Dr. Scot Martin and our team at Martin Plastic Surgery work with you to determine which breast implants will best help you achieve your body contouring goals. Call 575-521-7111 today to schedule your consultation and take the first step to a new you!
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