When Can You Get Back to Working Out after a Tummy Tuck?
You have worked hard to lose weight and get near your goal and now your tummy tuck gives you the body contours you desire. But you got into a workout routine before your procedure and you are eager to get back to the gym.
However, rushing into regular exercise after a tummy tuck can cause complications, so it is best to listen to your surgeon and your body.
Take the Time to Rest and Recover
The first week after your tummy tuck should be focused on rest and allowing your body to heal.
Immediately after your tummy tuck, it is essential to take time to allow your body to heal. Exercise is likely to be the last thing on your mind during the first few days of your tummy tuck recovery. However, you should still be getting up and taking small walks around the house. While this may not seem like exercise, these simple walks help promote circulation and help you avoid blood clots. For the first few weeks, this should be all the exercise you do. No strenuous activity, lifting or abdominal exercises.
Start Out Small
As you reach the 4- to 6-week mark, you may feel ready to increase your activity level. Because everyone heals at their own pace, you want to make sure you do not push yourself too soon. Talk with your surgeon before you progress to more active and strenuous activity. At this stage, you can consider exercises like jogging, stationary cycling, swimming or yoga. However, you should still avoid weightlifting and any exercises that target the abdominal muscles.
Don’t Target Your Abs Until You Get the All Clear
Around 12 weeks after your tummy tuck procedure, your abdominal muscles should be healed and your surgeon will give the all-clear for more intense workouts, including abdominal exercises and weightlifting. However, it is always important to listen to your body and if something doesn’t feel right, give your body a bit more time to heal.
To learn more about how a tummy tuck can help you achieve your body contouring goals and when you can get back into the gym, contact Dr. Scot Martin online or call the office at 575-521-7111 today to schedule an appointment.
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